League of Ukrainian Canadian Women

League of Ukrainian Canadian Women

The League of Ukrainian Canadian Women (LUCW) is a Canadian non-governmental organization that supports a strong Ukrainian community in Canada and also promotes Ukraine’s right to protect its national independence, security, and territorial integrity within the European family of nations.

Canadian Accessibility Network

Canadian Accessibility Network

Our Network is comprised of a consortium of CAN Collaborators, representing various organizations across Canada, including postsecondary institutions, not-for-profit organizations, service providers, associations and foundations, public and private industry.

Internment Legacy

Internment Legacy

The Canadian WWI Internment Legacy (Internment Legacy) is an endowment fund to support projects that commemorate and recognize the experiences of ethnocultural communities affected by the First World War Internment. 



The Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Alberta Provincial Council (UCC-APC) strives to be a proactive regional, united, and self-sustaining non-profit organization that provides a high standard of leadership in advocacy, coordination and connections. 

Toronto Ukrainian Foundation

Toronto Ukrainian Foundation

The Toronto Ukrainian Foundation (TUF) exists to ensure the Ukrainian Canadian community flourishes in the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding districts for generations to come



Rodovid is a well-rounded team of dance specialists with different skill sets and talents who have come together to help create strong, educated, and able dancers.